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Are you creating
a blended family? 

Discover the Steps to Creating
the Blended Family You Envisioned!

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If you are feeling unsure about how to 

create a united family and harmonious home...

Then this is for you!


I've created The Blended Family Blueprint
so you can have the strategies for
building a united parenting plan
(without wasting time reading books
and figuring out how to apply

the information to your unique family!).

How would it feel if you could...

Communicate More 
Effectively with 
Your Partner

Build a Shared
Parenting Plan

Navigate Stepfamily
Dynamics with
Understanding and 


Create Lasting
Family Bonds

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Did you know that over
70% of second marriages with children

end in divorce? 

Couples are in conflict over basic parenting decisions
Stepparents feel like outsiders in their own home
Everyone spends the day walking on eggshells, feeling like strangers

This doesn't have to be your story! 

You can have an incredible relationship and build the 

blended family 

you envisioned! 


As a strategy-focused coach, I will guide you through a process 

that will help you:

  • Understand your partner's perspective

  • Address challenges in family relationships

  • Communicate more effectively 

  • Create a united parenting plan

  • Build the sense of "familyness" you're currently craving

Family at a Beach
Family at a Beach

Things can be better! 

Sure, the statistics aren't great and your friends tell you how awful their stepfamily life is...but it doesn't have to be that way for you!

Instead of hoping your blended marriage will work out, why not take action now to learn, prepare, and grow together as a couple with "tools in your toolbox" to face the challenges of stepfamily life?

Research shows that couples who get coaching have higher relationship satisfaction and are more likely to handle stress better.

I want that for you and for your family! 

I offer a complimentary 30-minute call so you can ask all your questions and discover what life can look like without all the stress and aggravation. 

If that sounds good to you, then book your call today! 


Weekly Private Coaching Sessions

Our time together is your opportunity to ask questions, express your concerns, and learn new strategies for your blended family's success. We will discuss the 8 Blueprint steps, evaluate your progress, and create a plan of action.  

This coaching program is
designed with your busy schedule in mind! 





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Couples Exercises

The exercises included are the same ones I have used with my private coaching clients for over a decade. Each exercise is a stepping stone on the pathway to building a solid partnership, which serves as the foundation for your future parenting decisions. 


Between-Session Support

Each week you will have new skills to practice and strategies to implement. Of course, it won't always go smoothly...that's part of the learning process! You will have questions that pop up between sessions and I don't want you to wait a week to ask. You can contact me via email and voice messaging during my office hours for guidance and support. 

Image by Crew

Have questions? Let's chat!

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This is perfect for YOU if...

You are just starting to create your blended family (you're engaged, just moving in together, or within the first 5 years of marriage and are experiencing difficulties).

Becoming a stepparent feels challenging

The "blending" part of stepfamily life isn't as smooth as you hoped it would be

You are not on the same page for parenting the kids...or you haven't even discussed this on more than a surface level. 

You don't want to leave your family's success to pure chance. You want a plan in place and strategies to overcome challenges as they arise. 

Getting Started Is As Easy As 1, 2, 3

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