I recently participated in a conversation about dads and blended families. One member
of the group said something that really stopped me in my tracks:

Being in a blended family is like walking into an established business.
I love a good analogy, and this one immediately got my wheels turning!
Think about it—when you start a new job, there’s a learning curve. You’re stepping into an environment where things are already running a certain way. That’s not so different from what parents and stepparents experience when blending a family.
Three situations came to mind:
When you start a new job, you quickly realize...
There are established routines and relationships, and as the new person, you have to figure out where you fit in the organization.
There’s an existing leadership structure, and earning trust as a leader takes time, intentional actions, and strategic communication.
Transitioning leadership requires teamwork. Shifting from a single decision-maker to shared leadership means clear communication, a shared vision, and strong collaboration.
Now, let’s connect that to blended family life:
Stepparents often feel like a third wheel—unsure where they fit in family routines and relationships that existed long before they arrived.
Kids are used to their biological parent's discipline, expectations, and parenting style. When a stepparent joins the picture, any changes may trigger resistance, resentment, or rebellion. This is why I always recommend stepparents connect before you correct.
The shift from single parent to co-parenting in the home takes time. Adjusting roles and responsibilities within a blended family isn’t automatic. The transition of disciplinary power needs to be slow, intentional, and based on trust—not assumed.
Navigating relationships is key whether in business or family. Everyone in a blended family is adjusting—some more willingly than others. Balancing hope and frustration can be a daily challenge.
Just like starting a new job, there’s a learning curve.
How do we do this well?
What plans can we put in place to work as partners?
What don’t we know?
The questions are endless, and the uncertainty can feel overwhelming. If this feels familiar, then I have some good news for you:
You don’t have to figure it out alone.
This is what I specialize in!
If you're in the beginning stages of blending and would love support around building a great parenting partnership that is customized to your unique family, let's chat! Click here to schedule a complimentary discovery call today.